Saturday, December 4, 2010

The One Year Mark.

We made it to One year!

Obviously we haven't posted anything recently but this is such a major milestone for Tessa and our family that we had to share it.

366 days ago Tessa was still dependent on dialysis to get through her days. Here we are a year later and she's a different person. She's full of energy and eager to play just like any other healthy 4-year old. She used to go to the dialysis unit three days a week. She now goes to school 3 days a week. She's doing ballet and swimming and learning to ride a bike. A year ago, she didn't have the energy to do any of those things. We are constantly amazed at her transformation so far and every day we give thanks that she's healthy. Now we're the ones sapped of energy just trying to keep up with her but we wouldn't have it any other way.

We wish you all health and happiness these holidays and many thanks for all the support from friends and family over the last couple years.

The Ulvestads