Sunday, December 13, 2009

She's got jokes

"Why did the bee go to the doctor?...Because he had hives."

Tessa told me that joke over the phone the other night. We were both cracking up. It's really the first joke she has told in her life and although I'm not entirely sure that she understands it nor do I know where she learned it, the fact that a 3 year old in her situation is able to tell a joke is remarkable. We think one of the doctors or nurses may have told it to her when we were out of the room and she remembered it. I'm less amazed at her ability to remember since we're pretty sure she has a photographic memory. I was more impressed with the fact that she's developing her own sense of humor in the midst of everything she's going through.

My pops and I are off to the hospital to visit with Tessa and give Katie another much deserved break. Tessa is doing better by the hour. Walking more, talking more, laughing more, eating and drinking more with fewer stomach problems. She's hasn't vomited for almost 48 hours. Getting closer and closer to coming home! That could be as early as next week. It's looking more and more like we won't be having a hospital Christmas after all...

more to come...

PS. apologies for the somewhat random picture but it got your attention didn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Hola Erik i Katie!
    Gràcies per escriure al blog, m'alegro que poc a poc, amb paciència, tot es vagi posant a lloc, la Tessa és molt valenta! Erik, poder donar aquesta part de tu i veure com la teva filla torna a somriure, a explicar acudits i a preparar-se per convertir-se en una super gran artista....ha de ser la satisfacció més gran del món! Així que molta energia per la recuperació de la Tessa, per tu també que et recuperis del tot, per la forta i valenta Katie i per tota la resta de la família. Aquí, encara que una mica lluny, estem amb vosaltres!
    Una abraçada molt i molt gran!!!
